CLIM-HYDROLAKE aims to improve projections of hydrological responses of lakes and rivers in the S Balkans under future climate change scenarios, using a novel multi-proxy methodology combining hydro-climate modelling and palaeo-hydrological techniques.


Climate models broadly agree upon future large-scale impacts of climate change in the Mediterranean, but regional hydrological response projections are subject to a large degree of uncertainty. Improvement of such projections can be achieved through palaeo-hydrological studies, that (i) provide analogues with past (often non-linear) hydrological system responses to climate change, (ii) extend the generally short observational records, thus enabling testing of hydrological model projections on relevant multi-decadal / centennial timescales, and (iii) provide base-line data required for evidence-based policy development and management strategies.


The National Observatory of Athens is the foremost Greek research centre on climate change, but the host institute and country lack palaeo-hydrological expertise. This hampers improving projections of hydrological responses by using integrated modelling and palaeo-hydrological methodologies. The transfer of knowledge offered by this project will improve the national research capacity, while the long-term integration of the researcher is facilitated through leading this major study and gaining training / expertise in the thriving field of climate research.